Many of you may not know that Jenny had a career as a model that was unfarily cut short when she was run over on her bike by a auto parts delivery guy. I think her talent and ease in front of the camera speak for themselves.
Picnic contraband. She may look sweet, but trust me folks, you're looking at a hardened criminal.
I am married to a Graduate of the School of Natural Cookery/PCC cooking instructor/Yoga teacher. One of her many talents is throwing together a portable meal for two in no time at all.
Am I the only one a little afraid of this statue?
Jen checking out the mosaics at "Our Park"
The most important relationship I have in my life is the one I share with my wife Jenny. When I say I married up, people don't hop in and say "Oh, you both are just lucky to have each other." Silent nods of agreement are more the norm.
Somewhere between the 8 or so jobs that Jenny and I share between us, we started seeing a lot less of each other this year. Neither of us found this beneficial to our young marriage and agreed a couple months ago that we needed one night each week held sacred for each other. Date night was born.
Last Tuesday Jen and I packed a picnic and road a grueling 13 blocks to the the 6th Avenue Pocket Park. This 9000 square foot park was financed the Pro Parks Levy, The Neighborhood Matching Fund Program, and a neighborhood effort. Completed in 2004, this park boasts a large grassy area, sandbox, performance stage and the work of local NW artists Alden Mason, and Stephen McCelland.
The thing about a Front Door Adventure is you really just have to go on one to see what they are all about. They don't have to be long, difficult, or well planned. A FDA just has to include a sense of adventure, a "let's see what happens" attitude, and a set of wheels. After dinner Jen and I discovered what really made the 6th Ave Pocket Park a great Front Door Adventure destination. I don't know any of the folks who dedicated their sweat, tears, and money to see an old power sub-station turned into this community park, but I can guess from the words they left behind and the fruits of their labors that I wouldn't mind sharing a beer with more than one of them.