Sometimes I forget to be thankful.
I turned on the news this morning and watched a wall of water devour a river valley in Japan that looked a lot the one I grew up in. I tried to put myself inside that car as it was swallowed up trying to escape the black sludge of an intruding sea. I am thankful not to have been in that car.
The people of Libya have lived under the rule of a repressive dictator for the past 40 years. This week, hundreds of Libyans died in a conflict for political ideals and basic human rights. At times I question the altruism and transparency of those who lead this country, but I am thankful to have the right to criticize my government on a public forum.
A recent study by the US Military reported that 2,537 civilians were killed, and another 5,594 were injured in Afghanastan in 2010 & 2011. Considering the source of this data, and their track record, one might assume these estimates are far to low. In any case, it is difficult to argue that those who suffer the most in armed conflict want little or nothing to do with the fight that showed up uninvited at their doorstep. I am thankful to live in a country that overwhelmingly chooses to solve it's internal disagreements through political discourse.
A week ago I sat the passenger in a car and watched a man with what I assume to be Multiple Sclerosis struggle to position his motorized wheelchair in a manner that would allow him to reach the crosswalk button . I am thankful for the ease at which I roll through that same intersection on my bike at 15 mph on a regular basis.
Tomorrow I will wake up and ride my bike for an hour in the rain and practice Yoga under the watchful eye of my wife. I will eat wonderful food and drink hot coffee for breakfast in a peaceful restaurant. In all likelihood, no road-side bomb will explode on my path, no missiles will strike down announced from the sky, and the hands of nature will remain relatively docile for another day. I will live as I see fit in pursuit of my happiness, grateful for one more day of health and peace in my life. Tomorrow I will not forget to be thankful.
Livin' the Dream,
Shadow: An area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object. On March 5th, 2011 the sun shined for the first time this year in Seattle. I am thankful for the slightest hint of an approaching summer.
Young entrepreneurs out in force at the first signs of Spring. They assured Jenny and I that "they would have popsicles in the next week or two".
Not quite Mexico or Hawaii, but a fifty cent lemonade near the Puget Sound pretty much counts as a beach vacation with cocktails.
Some of us are really grateful for the sun.
Snowman is also thankful to go to the beach.
I would like to thank the person who purchased the Shake Weight at full-price and then donated it to the Greenwood Goodwill. I have only owned it a week, and have been more than satisfied with the value of $1.99 I paid. As a fitness professional, I can honestly say that I have never laughed quite as much while using a piece of exercise equipment. I think it is important that everyone follow the link above and watch the promotional video. It won't change your life and you shouldn't buy anything, but it is pretty funny and laughter is good medicine.
A cold ride the rain provides the perfect reference point for a hot yoga class. Jenny is now teaching at Mountain Flow in Madrona.
Recovery Meal. A picture says a thousand words & fat cardiologists can go pound sand.