The Fabritius Boys came for a sleep-over with Aunt Jenny and me a couple weeks ago. It is likely that at some point in history our 101 year old 500 hundred square foot home housed a family of four rather comfortably, but times have changed and so have children. At 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 Carter and Taylor are busy, curious, and constantly asserting themselves as individuals as they seek their place in the world. That is nice-speak for they are both completely nuts!
Jen and I kept the boys on the run and showed them how we get around in the city and have fun doing it. We took a bus ride and an urban hike to the best park in North Seattle. We walked to the local Elementary school made up some games with a baseball bat, a rubber chicken, and a Nerf ball. We took a bike ride to the lake and went for a swim. Aside from a few time-outs, scraped hands, backward diapers (my fault) and flying shoes, the weekend went smoothly and I had a really great time with my nephews. I hope they enjoyed the time with me as well.
The more time I spend with these boys that I love so dearly, the more I respect and honor people who make the commitment to bringing children up in this crazy world. Parenting is the ultimate in self-sacrifice and the most courageous and introspective adventure anyone can ever embark on. I respect those who are brave enough to walk the path and I am thankful that my sister trusts me enough to let me be a part of my nephews' lives.
Livin' the Dream
Pit stop at Carkeek Park in North Seattle. The boys both walked over 4 miles without complaint from the bus stop on Greenwood and Holman the Puget Sound.
When you're this cute, you get a ride from a sucker now and then!
Rock art was an unforeseen big hit with Carter. I watched him lift a stone equal his body weight, carry it 20 feet plop it down on the patio and begin madly scribbling rainbows of chalk. Stone after stone was carried, colored and lifted to display on Grandpa Bench.
Carter, preparing for the Art Show.
A well designed developmentally appropriate play structure at the Greenwood Elementary playground. Notice that the design of he structure is conducive to the body geometry of a two year old child. According to Dr. Larry Bruya of Washington State University, level of challenge must be be equal or slightly higher to the skill level of participant to retain attention and encourage play. Taylor threw himself at this balance and coordination implement over and over for nearly 15 minutes. He begged to stay longer, but Carter called Code Brown and lunch was ready at home.
Aunt Jenny's homemade smoothies are good.
Not to sure about the ride in the chariot to Greenlake.
Attitudes improved dramatically after a swim and an ice cream.