Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Bicycle Story

The art of living does not consist of preserving and clinging to a particular mood of happiness, but in allowing happiness to change its form without being disappointed by the change, for happiness, like a child, must be allowed to grow up.  

~Charles Morgan

There is no denying that the adventure has changed forever here at the Front Door.   Milestones, like the first time Ruby smiled at me, bring a deeper joy than pedaling a bicycle possesses the power to do.  

Like is has for many years, the bicycle stills rolls central to through my life. It carries me daily through the dark and wet Cascadian mornings to a job in which I find meaning, and allows me to provide for the needs my family.  For all these these things I am grateful.

A few weeks ago, I was offered the opportunity sit down with Josh Cohen of the Bicycle Story over a beer and chat a little about the birth, evolution and current status of Front Door Adventures. Talking with Josh caused me to reflect a bit on my path and think about some of the things that I have been passionate about in my life.  It also sparked fond reminiscing of days spent spinning lonely mountain roads, my bike laden heavily with the kit of adventure and the gentle whisper of fear and self-doubt propelling me onward.  

I admire Josh's passion and thoughtful approach to the story of the bicycle and I had a heck of a lot of fun talking to him.  I also owe him a thank you for getting me contemplating again about the social and environmental impact of my recreational pursuits, and my next move here at the Front Door.

You can listen to the full podcast here.

Kloshe Konaway
Kloshe Nanitch 


Happy Family.