Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Home

A house is made of wood, plastic, and stone.

A home is made sorrow and joy, struggle and triumph, frustration and ease, doubt and confidence, hurry and patience, fear and courage.

Jenny and I are building a home together.

First round of cabinets from Jeff at Fish Creek Custom Wordworking.

Huge milestone

Bedroom Storage

Jenny playing house. She is cooking me a dead pig. Mmmm Bacon!

Fast wife

Bikes and trains. A good combo.

I think she's still got the touch.

Snowman, along for the ride.

Discovery Garden, aka the Garden of Eden. Part of the WSU Extension program in Mt. Vernon.

You can take a girl out of Santa Cruz....but you just can't take the Santa Cruz out of a girl!

Jenny likes the sun...

and apparently meat sticks as well.

The preacher at his pulpit.

Foot Ferry to Lummi Island.

The Birthday Balloon. Yes, my wife and I are completely insane.

Jenny looks absolutely nothing like her father.

Don't trust Juan Corrasco.

Good food, good beer...happy wife.

Don't ask.

My Bodygaurd

The Offering

Wild Sheep in Mukutilo, WA



My Front Door

My Front Door

The Adventure truly hasn't moved to terribly far from my front door this summer. While those folks who read this blog know that all my adventures start and end at the front door, most of you don't know much about my front door.

In August of 2006 Jen and I bought a 1910 504 square foot cottage in Greenwood after renting the home for a year. Jenny was somewhat reluctant to buy a rat-infested 100 year-0ld house that had been a rental for the past 15 years (go figure?). I promised Jen that I would build her a home, and she trusted me enough to sign the mortgage. I promptly went to war with the rats, and we have been pecking away at the house since.

On the first week of summer break this year, myself and several buddies gutted our home wall- to-wall and I have been rather busy putting it back together since. Powered by Jen's gourmet sandwiches, PBR, and lots of help from friends and family, I will finish the project this fall and get back to blabbing here about my misadventures on a more regular basis.

Despite the busy schedule I have managed to get out on some good bike adventures in the past month. I was thinking about it today, and had to laugh at the paradox of my current situation. Most of the year my bike delivers me to work at school or the gym, away from my refuge of home. This summer my bike has been the refuge that has taken me away from work on little adventures that have refocussed, relaxed, and recharged me. I am thankful for a set of wheels and the health that lets me power them.



This is the living room/kitchen pre-remodel.

Step 1: Gently remove the 100 year-old ship lap ceilings.

Krause strong with the demo flex down. Next month's cover of Men's Health.

Cliff came down from Blanchard to help me vault the ceilings. It is good to have friends with skills.

This is the most current picture of just inside my front door. I am painting this weekend and floors are in next week.

Vaulted ceiling with lots of can lights